
also known as Methyl Learn more about also known as Methyl

  • What are the commonly used pesticides? Deltamethrin, methyl parathion

    What are the commonly used pesticides? Deltamethrin, methyl parathion

    Parathion, also known as 1605, is a widely effective and highly toxic insecticide. It has strong contact, stomach poison and fumigation effect, and the egg killing effect is better, but there is no internal suction.

  • Diseases and insect pests of Panax notoginseng

    Diseases and insect pests of Panax notoginseng

    (1) Blight disease is also known as "rotten foot plague". Pathogen is a kind of half-known fungus in fungi, which harms seeds, buds and seedlings. The seeds rotted in the shape of milky white pulp, the seed buds died in dark brown, the base of the injured pseudostem (petiole) showed a dark brown ring depression, and the seedlings collapsed and died. Control method: disinfect the soil with carbendazim or Arnebia solution before sowing ①. ② found that the diseased plant was removed in time, sprinkled lime powder around the diseased plant, and sprayed 50% methyl topiramate 1000 times solution or 50% nail

  • Lecture 4.4: Discussion on the main causes of fatty liver formation in laying hens

    Lecture 4.4: Discussion on the main causes of fatty liver formation in laying hens

    Lecture 4.4: Discussion on the main causes of fatty liver formation in laying hens

  • Prevention and Control of various Diseases and insect pests of Panax Notoginseng

    Prevention and Control of various Diseases and insect pests of Panax Notoginseng

    Prevention and Control of various Diseases and insect pests of Panax Notoginseng

  • Early prevention of red star disease does not have furuncle in pear fruit.

    Early prevention of red star disease does not have furuncle in pear fruit.

    Pear fruit furuncle disease, known as red star disease, also known as pear rust, pear red rust, or pear juniper rust. The disease was parasitized on juniper (including juniper and dragon juniper) trees in the form of mycelium in September before the defoliation of pear trees. As long as juniper trees are planted, red spot disease may occur in pear orchards every year. After the leaf is infected, there are orange oil droplet-like spots on the surface, which gradually develop into a near-circular spot with a diameter of 4-8 mm, and a small orange spot appears in the middle, which gradually turns black, and the spot is reddish brown around the spot, sunken on the front and back.

  • How to treat the disease of white melon?

    How to treat the disease of white melon?

    White melon is our common melon, also known as cantaloupe, is an annual trailing herb of Cucurbitaceae. It is widely cultivated in various parts of China because of its long history and wide variety. So, how to treat the disease of white melon? 1. How to treat the disease of muskmelon 1. Frost

    2020-11-08 White melon white melon disease how cure white melon
  • Properties of several commonly used fungicides

    Properties of several commonly used fungicides

    Properties of several commonly used fungicides

  • Prevention and Control of Diseases and pests of Panax Notoginseng

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and pests of Panax Notoginseng

    Prevention and Control of Diseases and pests of Panax Notoginseng

  • The latest planting method of pansy

    The latest planting method of pansy

    Pansy is a common wild flower species in Europe. It is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Viola of the family Viola, also known as cat face, butterfly flower, cat face flower, grimace flower, etc., often cultivated in parks, usually suitable for open-air planting, regardless of flower beds, gardens and pots.

    2020-11-10 The latest tricolor pansy planting method yes Europe
  • Lily Fusarium wilt

    Lily Fusarium wilt

    Latin name: Fusariumoxysporumf.sp.liliSnyderetHansen is harmful to crops: Lily is harmful to symptoms: also known as stem rot, is an important disease in lily production. At the initial stage, the infected plant showed slow growth, the lower leaves yellowed and lost luster, and then the symptoms gradually spread upwards. finally, the leaves of the whole plant wilted and drooped, browned and withered. In addition, the specific type of Fusarium oxysporum lily can also infect the base of the bulb skin, and brown necrosis or rot appears on the base plate.

  • How to raise the latest potted pansy?

    How to raise the latest potted pansy?

    Pansy tricolor is a common species of wild flowers in Europe, also known as cat face, butterfly, human face, etc., is a biennial or perennial herb of the genus Viola, often cultivated in parks, is the national flower of Iceland and Poland, each flower usually has purple, white and yellow

    2020-11-10 The latest potted tricolor pansy how raise yes Europe
  • How to raise the latest potted gerbera?

    How to raise the latest potted gerbera?

    African chrysanthemum, also known as Fulang flower, marigold flower, Persian flower, etc., are perennial herbs of the genus Compositae, with thicker fibrous roots, terminal inflorescences, large flowers, rich flowers and labor-saving management. they can be supplied year-round in warm areas for arranging flowers and making baskets.

    2020-11-10 The latest potted African chrysanthemum how raise also known as Fulang
  • The role of the latest white orchids

    The role of the latest white orchids

    White orchid, also known as white Burmese flower, white orchid, Burmese sweet-scented osmanthus, magnolia and so on, is a common ornamental plant and a spice plant, which can be used as spice and has certain medicinal value. Let's take a look next.

    2020-11-10 The latest Magnolia flower function white orchid also known as white Burmese flower
  • Introduction to the varieties and action modes of common fungicides

    Introduction to the varieties and action modes of common fungicides

    Fungicides, also known as biocide, algicide, microbicide, etc., usually refer to chemical agents that can effectively control or kill microorganisms-bacteria, fungi and algae in the water system. Internationally, it is usually used as a drug to control all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms.

    2020-11-27 Common fungicides varieties and functions methods introduction
  • Control of scab of seed sweet potato

    Control of scab of seed sweet potato

    Sweet potato scab, also known as sweet potato sprout disease, commonly known as leprosy, hard stalk disease and so on. (pathogen) Sphaceloma batatas Sawada. (host crop) sweet potato. (disease diagnosis) mainly for damage to tender shoots, leaves, stems, but also to potato lumps. How tender the leaves are

    2020-11-08 Species sweet potato scab disease prevention and treatment also known as
  • Blight of carnation

    Blight of carnation

    The pathogen of the disease is called Cucurbitaceae, which belongs to basidiomycetes. Its asexual state is called Rhizoctonia solanacearum, which belongs to semi-known fungi. The pathogen overwintered mainly as sclerotia or mycelium in the soil with the disease residue, and could saprophyte in the soil for 2-3 years. The pathogen directly invaded the host after spreading through water flow and farm tools. The disease is easy to be induced by deep sowing, high temperature and too wet soil, and it is also easy to occur when cultivated in open field. The disease is serious, especially in the warm and rainy season. The symptoms are also known as stem rot and basal rot. Begin to produce dark brown oval or irregular water stains at the base of the stem near the ground.

  • Asarum


    Asarum also known as fine ginseng, tobacco pot flower. Aristolochia is a family, perennial herbs. For commonly used Chinese medicine. "Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing" is listed as top grade. Because of its fine roots and pungent taste, it is named. Asarum rhizomes bear many slender roots, which are clustered. Rhizome top branches, each branch on the birth of 2 - 3 scales and 1 - 2 leaves with a long handle; scales round, membranous, 7 - 10 mm long, apex obtuse. Petiole 10 - 23 cm long, pubescent or glabrous; leaf blade cordate, 4 - 8 cm long, 5 - 10 cm wide

  • Control of Diseases and Pests of Cortex phel

    Control of Diseases and Pests of Cortex phel

    Control of Diseases and Pests of Cortex phel

  • What disease is treated with manganic zinc nail cream

    What disease is treated with manganic zinc nail cream

    Methyl cream manganese zinc, also known as metalaxyl manganese zinc, is an internal bactericidal pesticide with protective and therapeutic effects, so what disease does nail cream manganese zinc treat? First, what disease does nail cream manganese zinc treat? Metalaxyl manganese zinc is a low toxic pesticide with a yellow to light green powder.

    2020-11-08 Nail cream manganese zinc cure what disease nail cream also known as Ling manganese
  • The key role of various vitamins in aquaculture

    The key role of various vitamins in aquaculture

    The key role of various vitamins in aquaculture
